21 August 2007

lots of news and little news, all at once

Not much by way of posting in a while. . . in a sense, being busy has kept me away from here, but in another sense, there's not much to report. :)

Our various travels to various shows have been a lot of fun. I had a good time at the Spring Meaders Homeplace show, and Greg introduced me to quite a few potters I hadn't met previously. The Georgia Jugfest was an interesting show as well -- it merits its own post, so I'll put that up later, with any luck.

The Chattanooga Market is a really great venue -- check it out if you're in the area or visiting the city. It's a really great collection of people with a variety of interesting handmade or carefully grown products. And there are pizza and beer vendors. . . .

I'll post more later. I'd like to talk a bit about our glaze mixing, and more about what goes on in the workshop, and I'll do so in some future posts.

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