29 August 2007

Hiawassee Mountain Arts Festival, etc

We're back from a nice weekend at the Hiawassee Mountain Arts Festival. The venue there (the Georgia State Fairgrounds) is really nice -- a wooded lakeside loop surrounded by a series of small booths. The festival was well run and quite enjoyable.

We also had the good fortune to meet quite a few nice people. Lots of people seem to be interested in face jugs, whether or not they're interested in making a purchase, and we're always glad to talk about them. A good source for information on South Carolina potteries is the book Great and Noble Jar. A few of the early details are up for debate, so you can hear Greg's and my competing theories as to what went on. :)

Meanwhile, we've got an update to make, but our webpage is inexplicably down. I hope to have our webmistress straighten things out before too long.

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