07 February 2007

patton-pottery.com online!

We managed to get everything photographed, and I recoded the page over the course of a week or so. And as soon as I got the page up, we needed to update with 2 full kilnloads of new wares.

Greg and I have been turning like crazy out in the workshop. Greg is making roosters and banks. . . the first rooster just came out of the kiln and he looks good. The other roosters are going to have to wait until Duke Energy comes out and buries a new power line for us, so that we can fire up the big new kiln.

I've been making some smaller and larger pieces than usual. . . I made some pepper pigs (little tiny salt pigs) for my friends over at Alchemy Spice Co, and I also made some 1/2-gallon jugs, the biggest I've made so far.

Check out the web site and drop us a line!

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